Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We'll slow down... next year

I remember just before our wedding, Steven and I decided that "next" year we would slow down and practice doing nothing more often. And then nearly a year later, after our honeymoon, we said we'd slow down. Now, there's this frantic rush of What needs to be done before baby arrives?! Plans are in place for the vegetable gardens to go in this spring. Our friend has said he'll redo the bathroom (OMG, are we ready to demo the bathroom?!?!). And then... the nursery. Of course Steven is working nearly every OT shift he can in an effort to plan for some of my unpaid maternity leave. I'm glad he's taken some of his days off to hang with Eric and actually get out fishing. He's been working a LOT. Nonetheless, it's about enjoying the journey not the destination. We've both been doing some great reading lately. "Shifting Sands" emphasizes navigating change and how your destination will always be changing so savor the journey. I got a serious kick out of Steven just finishing up the breastfeeding chapter in our parenting book too. :) Part of the journey right!

1 comment:

  1. Say what?! We are supposed to be enjoying the journey rather than the destination? Sounds like a good read for us.

    We miss seeing you both and wish we were closer, enjoy the upcoming weekend and visit. I need to get out there fishing sometime.
