Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hi Friends-

It's Saturday 4/25. I am on duty today. It's been a fun day so far, one call, one dog rescue, a couple hours of rig checks and a good wholesome Firehouse meal. I even got to show off "Owen" to the guys....I think the guys are already worried about "another Sakaguchi" running around the fire district....

All is well in OC, we are on the exciting ride of life and eagerly awaiting the arrival of our child....

God Speed,


It's a .........!!!!!

Friday morning we had our 19 week ultrasound. This is typically the appointment when expecting parents are able to have the ultrasound tech determine the sex of the baby. And because we stuck with our desire for a surprise at delivery, we still don't know! :) This little child did not want to hold still for its picture though. It flung its arms around, stretched its legs out straight (we have a picture of just that too) and wiggled all over. Things are going wonderful still. I'm feeling great; Steven's been super supportive. I'm starting to get uncomfortable by evening and wish I had a larger rib cage or maybe a longer torso or something. Overall, we're doing great in OC and just continue to pray for a healthy baby to join our family in September. It was a big day for a couple of our other friends too! Both Noah and Becky welcomed their 3rd little girl Charlotte and our friends Shane and Jenny welcomed "their" first daughter Katy Noel on Friday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Early arrival

Spring has started to definitely not only arrive but settle over Oregon City. Of course this makes me very happy since that means more time in the yard and garden! I'm slowly getting the flower beds how I want them and of course it's a continual project. Last year while Mom was visiting, we put in a bleeding heart under where the front yard bird feeder hangs. Who knows whether it's the fresh bird poo, the seed shells or just how Mom put the plant in, but it's doing wonderful this spring! It's early even out here, but I was really excited to see the bush starting fill in with so many blossoms already.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A great visit!

We had a WONDERFUL visit from Mom Gold this past weekend. Of course it included lots of gardening, cribbage and lots of chatting and catching up. On Saturday, Steven was at Chemeketa helping with recruit academy so we met Annie & Stephie for lunch in Salem then headed to Bauman's Nursery on our way home. We stumbled on what would definitely be the ultimate prank... A 5' Rooster. Of course neither of us has won the lottery so pass on the desire to purchase the $850 lawn ornament but wouldn't that be HILARIOUS to put it in someone's yard in the middle of the night!!! It was absolutely wonderful to have Mom here for a long weekend and enjoy time together putzin' in the kitchen, the flowerbeds, garden and talking all about baby stuff. And of course giggling over 5' chickens!