We had our 14 wk appointment this morning. While doing the doppler for the heart beat, there was a loud "thud" on the monitor. Jodi (our midwife) smiles and reassures us that was kick from the little one. :) Apparently it has senses already and reacts to being prodded. The heartbeat was strong and things are going well.
Steven & our friend Eric tackled some yard work as we're hoping to get the raised vegetable garden in this spring. They got the apple trees both cut down which we'll replant. The old ones were beyond saving with poor pruning and diseased fruit yield. After I made dinner this evening, the boys curled up on the floor and it was less than 5 min. before I heard snoring. I had to get within 1 ft. of them to determine who was snoring: BOTH! Is it a bond that causes them to typically snore in surround sound synchronization?
It is very cool when you get to hear all the bumps, kicks, and other movements at the doctor. I still remember that with Michaela, with my terrible memory that is saying something. (Yes I have already forgotten for Danielle!)
ReplyDeleteI don't blame your guys for sleeping, manual labor just sounds tiring to me. Do they also have syncrhonized drool also?