The whole group in front of our ride! |
Updates in the comings / the goings, the ups / the downs that is the crazy wonderful life of Steve, Aubrey, Abigail and Zacharias.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Still 29!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bring on the holiday!
The Saks spent a wonderful Thanksgiving in Eugene with Granny, Papa and Auntie Stephie. Abi was well entertained by the stairs up to the bedrooms and thankfully exhausted a ton of energy there! As the holiday season seems to be getting into full swing, we're reminded how blessed we are to have so many wonderful friends, family and a baby girl (seems unfair to call her that anymore!) who's growing and learning every day. Abi communicates quite well what she wants and understands so much more. It's not uncommon for her to help empty the dishwasher and put the silverware away or help set items on the table for dinner. Her favorite is the ketchup; anything with ketchup on it will be eaten! We headed to the zoo last weekend while Steve worked with our friends Rachel and her son Shaun. Abi LOVES the animals and has started signing monkey and frog and of course the sound affects for lions, bears, monkey, etc. are quite entertaining for us. She loves Christmas lights also so we're heading back to the zoo with friends again for ZooLights! Should be fun!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Toddler already?!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
Sunday, October 10, 2010
October already?!
Where did the summer go?! With everybody else in the house snoozing, a comfy pair of sweats on, a pot of white chili on the stove and the familiar sound of football on TV, it is definitely fall here. We woke up to the sound of rain pounding outside and temps in the low 50's; yep, fall in the NW. This was our only unscheduled week for quite awhile so we opted to stay home rather than run around as planned. This meant that Granny and Auntie Stephie came up to spend the day with Abi. I am so grateful that they come to visit! Abi loves company and it was great to see them! Abi is gaining confidence walking and will walk across the living room and back if she has the patience. She cruises quickly on all four. I spent Saturday at the Women of Faith conference with a wonderful group of ladies from MVCC. What a GREAT event! If you get the chance to go, it's a must. Steven is trying to get work projects done; with his odd shifts he doesn't have the down time at work to accomplish them. The backyard was seeded almost four weeks ago so it received its first cutting this past week. It's time to shop for a rider I think!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
New Tricks
Abi loves water. Whether its in the dog's dish, her sippy cup, the little pool in the yard or running from a faucet.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Abigail Evelyn!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Abi is developing a love of books. Tonight as she "read" there was a certain tone to her babble. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture her "meow" which sounds more like a massive lion roaring. Sitting up on the couch seems to be a treat to her as is climbing down by herself.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
New Favorite Picture
Friday, August 6, 2010
See the wheels turnin'
Occurrence during bath time tonight:
Abi standing in the bathtub against the side, yelling happily. Mommy says, "Abi you have to sit down in the tub so you don't fall." Mommy takes Abi's hands and helps Abi stand upright so she can sit. Instead she stands there a solid 10 seconds smiling and waving her hands before she plops (she finds this funny because it makes a big splash). "Thank you Abi." Abi proceeds to wrinkle up her nose and lean forward (two indicators a little fit is about to be thrown) but as she starts to put her face down she realizes she's in the tub and there's water... Abi sits upright, wrinkles her nose up, bares her two teeth and yells. Mommy understands Abi did NOT want to sit down but appreciated the thinking through and decision NOT to throw a fit in the tub.
Yes, Abi throws "fits". This includes wrinkling up the face, throwing herself down and burying her face in the carpet and yelling. This occurs approximately 2-3 times/week. Our friend Josh was over for dinner on Wednesday and he found it very entertaining. We tend to laugh at it, tell Abi she's fine and move along. :)
Abi standing in the bathtub against the side, yelling happily. Mommy says, "Abi you have to sit down in the tub so you don't fall." Mommy takes Abi's hands and helps Abi stand upright so she can sit. Instead she stands there a solid 10 seconds smiling and waving her hands before she plops (she finds this funny because it makes a big splash). "Thank you Abi." Abi proceeds to wrinkle up her nose and lean forward (two indicators a little fit is about to be thrown) but as she starts to put her face down she realizes she's in the tub and there's water... Abi sits upright, wrinkles her nose up, bares her two teeth and yells. Mommy understands Abi did NOT want to sit down but appreciated the thinking through and decision NOT to throw a fit in the tub.
Yes, Abi throws "fits". This includes wrinkling up the face, throwing herself down and burying her face in the carpet and yelling. This occurs approximately 2-3 times/week. Our friend Josh was over for dinner on Wednesday and he found it very entertaining. We tend to laugh at it, tell Abi she's fine and move along. :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Just ask...
This morning's sermon was given by Bridgetown Ministries Pastor Marshall Snider. As usual, I walked away reminded about how great God is and how He fills us for His glory alone. Marshall talked about asking God what's holding us from eternity (Mark 10:17-25) and took the story of the wealthy man beyond just monetary love. We're very sad to have had our last Sunday with our new (now past) worship Pastor Matt Cain. Matt shared about asking God to give you the opportunity to witness through love and demonstration and shared a moving experience he had this past week. After racing to get a tired girl down for a nap, pack up the car for my company picnic, get there (late) and then head home after wards with the list of what I needed to get done for the week tonight, I was wondering when I'd have a couple of quiet minutes to ask God about things and (quietly) wait upon His answer. On that note, Abi has gotten very active, loud and is just enjoying exploring her work. We have a small play structure which she was playing around today while I watered the flowers in the front yard and when I turned around, I saw that she had figured out how to crawl UP the slide. It was a WONDERFUL afternoon home with her and I'm grateful that Steven and I's marriage has been blessed by her. After dinner, I stripped Abi down since it was still over 80 degrees and let her splash in her little pool. Amidst her crazy splashing, drinking the water and going under (5 times of which all she coughed a bit and just went on splashing) the humming birds were zipping all around us. The lucifer plant is in full bloom and they really enjoy it. As Abi splash over next to me, I said Abi, "Look at the bird." Abi stopped splashing, quieted and looked up, the bird ate and then perched on a branch and just looked at us. For a solid 30 seconds (eternity with a near toddler), we just sat there quietly and watched the bird. Then Abi said, "Ugh?!" and the flying water commenced. Wow can God work fast in 30 seconds...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Pool time!
We've had crazy hot temperatures this past week reaching the high 90's a couple days. I filled a small pool in the backyard which was a life saver with Abi. As well, because she loves the water and splashed like a maniac, it doubled as the bathtub after dinner too. Here are a couple of the shots I captured this evening.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
3 Abi "Things"
Abi of course is growing and learning new things each day. A few of the most recent "joys" are growling, standing up next to things, finding water (Buster's dish, the toilets, etc), pointing, waving and sticking her finger in her nose. With family around, we were able to capture growling, nose poking and blowing "raspberries" all in one!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Just over nine months...
Since Christine is visiting, I of course jumped at the chance to have her photograph Abi. If you've seen Christine's work or their blog, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Steven worked today, so Malcolm, Christine, Abi and I headed south to The Oregon Garden in Silverton and enjoyed a gorgeous day! Here are a couple of my favorites, with very minimal editing (my very novice eye and software only).
Friday, July 2, 2010
Olympic National Park

The weather cooperated and we only had drizzles one morning. Abi seems to enjoy her hiking pack and usually tackles the paths on Daddy's back. I'm definitely not the photographer in our family, so if you'd like to see stunning pictures of our trip, check out Malcolm & Christine's blog!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
San Diego
A little over a month ago, I said to Steven, "I'm SO ready for some sun." So we rolled Mother's Day and celebrating his probation period ending this month into a long weekend to San Diego as a family. Wow: good timing! It's rained something like 55 of the last 62 days in Portland! *yuck* We had a wonderful time in the tepid Socal climate! We took in the Zoo, the USS Midway, Birch Aquarium and putzed in Carlsbad and visited a friend of Steven's. Abi is VERY mobile now (climbing, crawling and eating all that she finds) and discovering new things every day which made the trip all the more entertaining! She enjoyed the big animals at the zoo but was mostly very intrigued by the fish in the aquariums. For Mom and Dad, it was 4 days of no work agendas, no daycare drop offs and pick ups and just being together.

At 8 1/2 mo old, Abigail is into new things each day! Buster is definitely her buddy and puts up with all that she loves on him with (ear pulling, feet grabbing, taking toys, taking his food). This week, she has discovered (and investigated): standing up on the bathtub wall, Buster's dog food AND his water dish, standing up in her crib, every twig on the patio, and taking off bibs. Each day is a fun adventure. Milestones were noted too: waving good-bye (most at daycare), pointing to EVERYTHING and signing "milk".
At 8 1/2 mo old, Abigail is into new things each day! Buster is definitely her buddy and puts up with all that she loves on him with (ear pulling, feet grabbing, taking toys, taking his food). This week, she has discovered (and investigated): standing up on the bathtub wall, Buster's dog food AND his water dish, standing up in her crib, every twig on the patio, and taking off bibs. Each day is a fun adventure. Milestones were noted too: waving good-bye (most at daycare), pointing to EVERYTHING and signing "milk".
Friday, May 28, 2010
Minnesota in May
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
In the blink of an eye
Everybody warns about how fast they grow up and life changes. Today was one of those days. Abi played shy at daycare when I dropped her off but never fussed. When Daddy picked her up, she had only had a half hr afternoon nap and didn't nap the rest of the afternoon. At dinner, she attempted to blow a raspberry w/a mouth full of food, but when she got a stern look from both Steven and I and I told her "Abi stop. We do not do that," she stopped(!). In the bathtub, she figured out that she could maneuver to the drain if she rolled to her tummy and open in up (?!) and then maneuver back into a seated position. Wow, where did all of those behaviors come from?!... It's been a busy last week for us all and is just the start of a rat race we will call June. Thankfully, Steven is done w/doubles for awhile, we enjoyed conversation over dinner and are very much looking forward to a few chances to get away together in the next 3 weeks!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Walking buddies (pseudo commercial)

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Very Special Mother's Day
Not only was it my first Mother's Day with a child, but we had the joyous event of Abigail being dedicated at Mountain View Community Church (our church home). Although much of our family live far distances from us, today was another reminder of how God has filled our life with love regardless. Grannie and Papa Guchi and Auntie Stephie joined us as well as a plethora of great friends. One of those wonderful friends is Karen Lais who is a musician. Here is the video of Abi's dedication (smiled on cue for Pastor John of course!) and a snip of the song that Karen sang for Ms. Abi.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Family recipe
Grandma Schmidt made great German potato salad. And Grandma Betty's been able to write down the recipe...
Inspired by my parents' dinner group, we've gotten a small group of friends together and we'll be having our second evening of food and themed drinks. Our first night in February was cheese and wine. Tomorrow night, we'll have sausages and beer (German). In keeping with that theme, Grandma Betty sent me Grandma Schmidt's recipe. Not sure if I copied it wrong or how I ended up so off, but I had to triple the liquids. Oh well... With a few adjustments it tastes good! Thanks Gram! The real test will be tomorrow night when everybody gets to try it.
Inspired by my parents' dinner group, we've gotten a small group of friends together and we'll be having our second evening of food and themed drinks. Our first night in February was cheese and wine. Tomorrow night, we'll have sausages and beer (German). In keeping with that theme, Grandma Betty sent me Grandma Schmidt's recipe. Not sure if I copied it wrong or how I ended up so off, but I had to triple the liquids. Oh well... With a few adjustments it tastes good! Thanks Gram! The real test will be tomorrow night when everybody gets to try it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fun stuff!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
In Rare (chunky) Form
We had Abi's 6 month well baby checkup today. The little diva weighed in at 17 lb 14 oz. Height and weight wise she is in the 75-80% for her age. And man was she in rare form! She was babbling, talking, and playing with Dr. G the entire time; pulling on this; grabbing for that; up, down, all over the place. She did cry when she got her 4 shots, but as soon as she was picked up, she was over it.
Steven and I are doing well of course! He's back on the rescue this month so likely will be getting worse sleep on duty than nights at home. Work isn't slowing down for me but the program is making good progress. We're looking forward to a week as a family starting next Monday as Steven and Abi will be able to travel with me while I work in central Oregon. Steven and I enjoyed an awesome night in downtown Portland w/our friends Kerri and Scott when we attended the Michael Buble concert last Friday. Great entertainer!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
In a nutshell
Where has the last month gone to?!?! Here's a run down of our last four weeks... Back to the last week of February, Dad Gold visited. We spend a handful of days on the boat. Both days there was a lady on the boat, we caught next to nothing. The day I stayed home... at least 6 fish for each of the guys! The following weekend was to be our "quiet" family weekend which was actually Steven's cover up for the surprise of my two best friends from grad school arriving for a long weekend visit. Steven was all prepped for this and was "manny" (male nanny; a household joke here) the night us girls stayed downtown (my first night away from Abi). This past week/end, Mom Gold flew in and us girls went to Seattle to visit one of our favorite wineries Chateau Ste Michelle. That week, Steven was in Orlando for a fire district accreditation conference. It sounds like he had an absolutely wonderful time. In addition to classes, he also enjoyed Universal Studios and took in a Cirque de Soleil show. And tonight, I am packing my bag for a 2 day children ministry conference in Bellevue, WA.
It's been absolutely wonderful seeing family and friends. As I peruse the upcoming weeks of the calendar, it's filled with more fun events and then finally in April, our family will have an entire week together at Eagle Crest. Technically, I'll be working and many of Steven's friends will be at the resort (or live in Redmond) so it'll be time filled with fellowship, nonetheless, we'll have one full week of actually staying in the same house every night!
It's been absolutely wonderful seeing family and friends. As I peruse the upcoming weeks of the calendar, it's filled with more fun events and then finally in April, our family will have an entire week together at Eagle Crest. Technically, I'll be working and many of Steven's friends will be at the resort (or live in Redmond) so it'll be time filled with fellowship, nonetheless, we'll have one full week of actually staying in the same house every night!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Must run in the family
The first photo: Michaela @ approx. 7 mo old at Rex Hill Winery (Aug 2007)
The second photo: Abi @ approx. 5 1/2 mo old at Chateau Ste Michelle Winery (March 2010)
The second photo: Abi @ approx. 5 1/2 mo old at Chateau Ste Michelle Winery (March 2010)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Updates ala Photos
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

- Aubrey is trying to get the Return to Work program at SDAO running and successful. Patience is a virtue so I'm praying for more of them. :) It's going very well, but it's tough not to put in more hours. Nonetheless, I'd much rather spend my evenings enjoying my family.
- Steven is working lots. He's got the next group of Explorers through the entrance process now. He was asked to work on the District's accreditation team as well so will likely be traveling to Orlando in March for conference. He's also gotten the sump pump on the Dink+1 (our fishing boat) fixed and ready for 3-4 straight days of fishing later this month.
- Ms. Abi is healthy. We were in the ER last Monday evening due to sudden onset of wheezing to her existing cough/congestion. After x-rays and a nebulizer treatment (which she and her lungs responded very well to), we went home with an inhaler and amoxicillin for ear infection and bronchitis. We are grateful for Dr. G who diagnosed her the next day (4 month well baby check up) with RSV. That wasn't a surprise as another baby at daycare had been admitted in the hospital that week for RSV. Abi spent a week home w/Daddy & Mommy as well as a visit from Grannie and Auntie Stephie. She bounced back VERY well as you can see in the picture. She weighed in at 15 lb. 11 oz. for her 4 month visit so is on the upper end of growth for her age. She seemed to immensely enjoy her first taste of rice cereal tonight and somehow managed to eat (or at least let run down her face) most of what we mixed for her. Daddy gave feeding her a shot for awhile.. it was dully noted that everything within reach is fair game for Abi now too.
Friday, January 22, 2010
After another busy day, the evening brings some time to play with Abi, vacuum, organize, put tax documents in one pile (ha ha), throw a batch of laundry in the washer, etc. etc. And thus will proceed next week and the following week, etc etc. I took a couple minutes to read Malcolm & Christine's blog and I was reminded how much I miss family and friends in the midwest. But it also reminded me how grateful I am for them despite the distance. Then I started thinking of all the blessings... we had a wonderful visit in Nov w/family & friends in MN, my friend Jill got a new job in Wisconsin, Dick's treatment is going well, Leroy's "Earl" may not be there, I know without a doubt my new job is where God has placed me for His glory, Steven is excelling at his promotion and has had the privilege of ministering through it, we had a great visit when Steve & Annie received their Businesspeople of the Year Award, spent time with their wonderful friends (love the Kaps and Settlemeyers!) and more visits are on the horizon with Mom and Dad (can it be tomorrow yet?!). The Twins' and families are coming for a visit tomorrow for their 30th birthdays which means more time with people who bless our lives. I was reading John 6:35 and Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Those who come to me will never be hungry..." He wasn't referring to actual food... but rather the amazing sustenance that He so graciously filled my heart with this evening. To those in our lives who "feed" us: thank you for being God's blessings. You are much loved!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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