- Aubrey is trying to get the Return to Work program at SDAO running and successful. Patience is a virtue so I'm praying for more of them. :) It's going very well, but it's tough not to put in more hours. Nonetheless, I'd much rather spend my evenings enjoying my family.
- Steven is working lots. He's got the next group of Explorers through the entrance process now. He was asked to work on the District's accreditation team as well so will likely be traveling to Orlando in March for conference. He's also gotten the sump pump on the Dink+1 (our fishing boat) fixed and ready for 3-4 straight days of fishing later this month.
- Ms. Abi is healthy. We were in the ER last Monday evening due to sudden onset of wheezing to her existing cough/congestion. After x-rays and a nebulizer treatment (which she and her lungs responded very well to), we went home with an inhaler and amoxicillin for ear infection and bronchitis. We are grateful for Dr. G who diagnosed her the next day (4 month well baby check up) with RSV. That wasn't a surprise as another baby at daycare had been admitted in the hospital that week for RSV. Abi spent a week home w/Daddy & Mommy as well as a visit from Grannie and Auntie Stephie. She bounced back VERY well as you can see in the picture. She weighed in at 15 lb. 11 oz. for her 4 month visit so is on the upper end of growth for her age. She seemed to immensely enjoy her first taste of rice cereal tonight and somehow managed to eat (or at least let run down her face) most of what we mixed for her. Daddy gave feeding her a shot for awhile.. it was dully noted that everything within reach is fair game for Abi now too.
I'm such a terrible brother I have no clue what you are up, thanks for the update. I'm glad she's healthy, sickness is no fun for anyone but is doubly bad for kids.