We spent a very wonderful Christmas in Eugene with GrannyAnnie, Papaguchi, Auntie Stephie and Great Auntie Evie. What a foggy holiday we had here! Abi was a champ at church though; slept the entire 2 hrs! As for opening gifts...she was more interested in the noise the wrapping paper made than anything as it was her nap time. :) It was a wonderful holiday spent with wonderful family!

Updates in the comings / the goings, the ups / the downs that is the crazy wonderful life of Steve, Aubrey, Abigail and Zacharias.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Is it Christmas yet?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Yes, we went to MN again! Actually, a few days of our two week trip were spent in Marshfield WI with my brother, his wife and their two girls. To recap our trip, it was absolutely wonderful. We finally had enough time to enjoy seeing everyone for more than two minutes and Abi got lots of opportunities to meet everyone. Abi did great on the flights. She slept the entire flight to MSP and only woke for the last half hour of the flight to PDX. While there, Abi had several "firsts". She noticed her own feet in the bathtub, started talking to the toy on her carseat and has started to stand up on your lap. Here are a few of the fun pictures of Abi, her two cousins Michaela and Danielle as well as Gramma and Grandpa Gold.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Busy month already!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Abi's New Photos
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Major Milestone!
Our life as a family is quite consumed with loving Abigail and caring for her. Nonetheless, someone else in the family had a major milestone today! Steven turned 30!! Happy Birthday to the love of my life! We enjoyed breakfast out and are going to one of Steven's favorite restaurants for dinner as well. We'll celebrate with friends this weekend. Here's the photo of Abi telling her Daddy Happy Birthday this afternoon. :)
Abigail's had milestones as well. She got her first real bath (right) and had a 3 hour nap with Daddy while Grandma and I enjoyed a walk before the blustery weather set in and before Grandma went back to MN.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Strong little girl!
Some firsts...
First bath...
First book...
Far from the first sleepy time smile...
Gramma Gold arrived earlier this week so has been helping out with night time feedings (thank God for breast pumps!), household stuff and just the adjustment of having an infant in the house. Steven had his first full shift back on duty, so Abi made her second trip to the station to visit Daddy as well as spent the day running errands and shopping with Mommy and Gramma. We're already huge fans of our awesome Bob stroller! And of course she gets a visit and snuggles with Granny, Papa and Stephie whenever they're in town.

First book...

Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Buster and diapers

Buster gets a close up of what mommy and daddy have to do when Abi cries.....evidently he doesn't like the smell of a poopy diaper. Buster has begun to realize that this little crying thing what mommy and daddy are always holding is not going away....he will lay down by Abi's door when she cries or pace nervously.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Time with the Grandpas
Grandpa Gold is here visiting from MN and Papa and GrannyAnnie were coming home from Seattle yesterday so joined us for dinner. Abi is doing well and enjoying all the company. She had a ped appointment today and is back up one of the ounces she had dropped after birth. After her both her and Mom got a nap when Grandpa and Daddy went to pick up the rest of our new furniture,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Welcome Abigail Evelyn Sakaguchi
WELCOME Abigail Evelyn Sakaguchi. "Abi" was born Monday September 21, 2009 at 6:53 pm. She weighed 8.0Lbs and was 18 inches long. Mommy did a fantastic job and Daddy didn't pass out!
We are home now and everyone is doing well, even Buster. We are grateful for our friends and family that visited us during our short stay at the birthing center and for the best wishes and prayers.
Abi was excited to meet all the new people and has only cried when mommy or daddy is holding her.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Priceless quotes of the day
"You should be ready cause it's gonna hurt real bad when it comes out." - Tucker's delivery wisdom, age 6
"Maybe you should do push-ups. That's what they said on TV." - Emma's delivery wisdom, age 8
"I can feel the baby's belly button!" - Emma (sticking her finger in my protruding navel), age 8
"I am cool. That's why you married me." - Steven, age 29
"Maybe you should do push-ups. That's what they said on TV." - Emma's delivery wisdom, age 8
"I can feel the baby's belly button!" - Emma (sticking her finger in my protruding navel), age 8
"I am cool. That's why you married me." - Steven, age 29
Friday, September 11, 2009
Perseverence finally pays off
Thursday, September 10, 2009
An update and a lesson learned
I giggle that Steven's had late term nesting syndrome this week when in reality he's simply had time to tackle things that have not gotten done while he was working lots of overtime and trade shifts banking time for when Baby Sak arrives. We had an arborist drop the weeping birch in the front yard (a couple feet off and the damage would have been bad) but then Steven's cleaned up the entire tree. The tree guy will be back later to grind down the three stumps in the yard so we can have the 12 yards of top soil delivered and then get the backyard all reseeded for fall growth. Of course, it seemed like a rather inopportune time for a major flat to appear on Steven's truck but I couldn't help but be grateful: his tire was so bald the tire guys couldn't have patched it! So unfortunately, we had the unplanned expense of new truck tires but I'm very thankful this realization came while the truck was safely parked in the yard and not while Steven was driving down the freeway.
Amidst these activities, I'm now done working. Before you ask, here are the answers:
No the baby has not arrived. Yes, I'm still feeling good. Yes, I'm still very active. We walk every day, do yard work, eat spicy foods, etc etc. I continually remind myself how wonderful it is to have so many well wishes and friends thinking about us, but in the midst of it all, I'd gotten caught up in the the rush for Baby Sak to arrive and everyone's excitement. So, if you're a 60's music buff, you'll appreciate this reference but really, Pete Seeger stole it from the Lord's book: Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 "Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. He sets the time for birth and the time for death, the time for planting and the time for pulling up..." Steven and I are firm in our decision not to schedule being induced as Baby and I are quite healthy and there is no medical need to do so. In the mean time, enjoy a moment of peace and calm, thank our gracious God for all the beauty that surrounds us and soak in the moment as you will never have this very moment to relish again. :)
Amidst these activities, I'm now done working. Before you ask, here are the answers:
No the baby has not arrived. Yes, I'm still feeling good. Yes, I'm still very active. We walk every day, do yard work, eat spicy foods, etc etc. I continually remind myself how wonderful it is to have so many well wishes and friends thinking about us, but in the midst of it all, I'd gotten caught up in the the rush for Baby Sak to arrive and everyone's excitement. So, if you're a 60's music buff, you'll appreciate this reference but really, Pete Seeger stole it from the Lord's book: Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 "Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. He sets the time for birth and the time for death, the time for planting and the time for pulling up..." Steven and I are firm in our decision not to schedule being induced as Baby and I are quite healthy and there is no medical need to do so. In the mean time, enjoy a moment of peace and calm, thank our gracious God for all the beauty that surrounds us and soak in the moment as you will never have this very moment to relish again. :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Too funny not to share
Steven and I enjoyed an absolutely WONDERFUL date last night. We had gift certificates for pizza and mini golfing from our church auction. Shankopautumus needs to brush up of course. Bogieusmaximus kicked his butt once again with 2.. yes 2... holes in one. :) While killing time waiting for our rendezvous to purchase our nearly new Canon Rebel EOS XSi (yay! so excited to have it!), we were sitting outside Lamb's grocery store in Wilsonville. A truck far across the parking lot had a sheep or two in the back which were occassionally bah-ing which typically made most people walking into the store look but continue walking. We were both entertained when a young man stopped to make some odd yell back at the sheep though! It gets better. When leaving the grocery store, this young man proceeded to bah at the sheep (which were still on the other side of the parking lot). And it was incredibly HILARIOUS when he then got in his car... and drove over to the truck to bah at the sheep some more!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm, some people either need more medication, fewer drugs or just need to leave the city more often. LOL
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We got new furniture ordered, one of the new recliners was in, Mom was here for a long weekend visit and got some of the worst housecleaning down for me (Thanks Mom!), we got pedi's, Steven worked more and then more, and there's no new news on Baby's progress. We were told last Friday that the midwife didn't think we'd make it through the week. But we did! And there's no new news to report. So although we're progressing, our due date isn't until 9/18 so patience IS a virtue. Thank you for the thoughts, but there's nothing to report. We will let you know after Baby Sak has arrived! :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Now we're ready...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Two years and counting! Four weeks and counting down...
We had a nice dinner together and went furniture shopping for our anniversary today. I know I'm making an effort to enjoy every moment we have alone knowing it's coming to an end very soon. And...here's a belly update. As the sofa saleslady said, "A big one huh?" when asking about the baby. Yep, I'm quite aware I have a very large belly at this point. :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Beautiful Beach Weekend
Saturday, July 25, 2009
No more doubles for a bit
Friday, July 24, 2009
Busy busy
Greetings All-
It's 0245 and most of the world is asleep, but not us on Rescue 3. This is the third shift (including 48hr days) that we've been up for most of the night. I am loving my new position and assignment. My partner is a "Samurai Medic" and loves being a paramedic. The fun makes up for the lack of sleep. I've definitely learned how to delegate and not make too big of to-do list. Busy stations make the days go by quicker that's for sure....only a couple more shifts and we rotate on the the Engine which is sleeping right now and have been since we got back from out house fire at 11pm.
Aub and I are "good" busy. Spending time together and with friends. We even went out for dinner last night! We are looking forward to what life has in store for us in the years to come.
Thanks to all for your love!
I am going to go try this sleep thing again......
It's 0245 and most of the world is asleep, but not us on Rescue 3. This is the third shift (including 48hr days) that we've been up for most of the night. I am loving my new position and assignment. My partner is a "Samurai Medic" and loves being a paramedic. The fun makes up for the lack of sleep. I've definitely learned how to delegate and not make too big of to-do list. Busy stations make the days go by quicker that's for sure....only a couple more shifts and we rotate on the the Engine which is sleeping right now and have been since we got back from out house fire at 11pm.
Aub and I are "good" busy. Spending time together and with friends. We even went out for dinner last night! We are looking forward to what life has in store for us in the years to come.
Thanks to all for your love!
I am going to go try this sleep thing again......
Monday, July 20, 2009
No great title came to mind...
We've had requests for updates on the nursery. Here's a couple shots of the nursery and the mural (great find Mom!) that'll be going on the big wall. Our friend Eric will be finishing the trim and new doors this week. I enjoy doing trim work
but apparently you're not supposed to do so with a bun in the oven. And yes, I'm feeling good. I think I'll have a t-shirt printed that says, "Due 9/18. Feel fine. No you may not touch." :) ha ha Baby Sak is very active and growing well. 
Its been a busy week, weekend and of the course this week looks no better and the following week Steven and I won't see each other for 6 days due to work schedules. *sigh* On the 11th, our friend Nichole threw me an Oregon baby shower. It was a wonderful shower! This past weekend we went to Eugene and enjoyed the Chicago concert at the Cuthbert with Annie, Steve & Stephie. Meanwhile, Steven worked two doubles (48 hr shifts) last week and will again this week. He's banking trades so when Baby Sak arrives, he'll have plenty of shifts for trades and vacation. And next week is his promotion bbq! Our friend Robb graciously offered to host (bless his heart!). So, it'll be another full weekend of house guests, bbqing, and fellowship. It's "good" busy...I keep reminding myself that.
Its been a busy week, weekend and of the course this week looks no better and the following week Steven and I won't see each other for 6 days due to work schedules. *sigh* On the 11th, our friend Nichole threw me an Oregon baby shower. It was a wonderful shower! This past weekend we went to Eugene and enjoyed the Chicago concert at the Cuthbert with Annie, Steve & Stephie. Meanwhile, Steven worked two doubles (48 hr shifts) last week and will again this week. He's banking trades so when Baby Sak arrives, he'll have plenty of shifts for trades and vacation. And next week is his promotion bbq! Our friend Robb graciously offered to host (bless his heart!). So, it'll be another full weekend of house guests, bbqing, and fellowship. It's "good" busy...I keep reminding myself that.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Too fun!
I love Dr. Seuss books. At one point in my life, I could recite Green Eggs and Ham from heart (probably not my greatest accomplishment in life, but noteworthy). While registering at Target, we found a Cat in the Hat onesie that we of course had to register for. That was ... 4 mo ago? Since then, Baby's Gramma Gold managed to find a few others (and the coordinating books to go along with them), Mama Nichols found a couple AND our friend Julie got the Cat in the Hat one for Baby Sak. The best part: we didn't receive a single duplicate and they're all varied sizes so Baby Sak will be sportin' some cool Seuss style for awhile.
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