As mentioned before, we are walking every day. Poor Buster LOVES these walks, but you can tell he'd prefer the pace we used to set rather than the waddles we now take. This morning as we were heading down the trail, a much smaller, curly, "yapper" thought she needed to give Buster a piece of her mind. We laughed when the dog's owner told the dog, "Are you nuts?! You better hush before you get us both killed. What are you doing yelling at such a big dog?" If you've met Buster, you'd find this humorous too as he is nothing but a big dumb lover of a Lab. The best part of the walk (besides the absolutely gorgeous weather and sunshine and more time with my boys) was that after over two years of working with Buster on a leash, several different leash styles, and countless miles walked, he does not pull, he does not bark at other dogs and he calmly walks by your knee. I know Baby Sak's arrival will be an adjustment for everyone in the house including Buster, but I have to say there is quite the sense of accomplishment being able to take a 100 lb. dog for a stroll knowing he is no longer taking me for a walk and that he'll do just find with a baby and stroller in tow. Steven's gotten some funny expressions captured with the new camera (both of the belly and of Buster, but since I'm writing this entry, I don't put belly pictures in). Buster's expression in the picture with the head cocked, ears perked occurs you mention either the W word (walk) or R word (ride).
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