Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We've marvelled at how much the chicks have grown and changed in the 5 days we've had them. But in observing that, it's also made us enjoy how the kids are changing and growing too! Zach talks to us all day long. We don't always understand what he's saying, but it's often decipherable via a word here and there: chick, bye bye, chip, snack, cheese, outside, water, etc. And then of course is his awesome "omph" which translates into eat. Abi as well is just her own person. A friend's daughter babysat the kids and she told me, "Abi KNOWS what goes on in that house and how it runs". She's putting her own toothpaste on her toothbrush (and her brothers for him!) and brushing her teeth, picking out clothes and getting dressed for day school, etc. The letter of the week is P and when we decided to have pizza for dinner, her eyes lit up and she said, "Mom! Pizza starts with P!" So fun.

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