Saturday, April 9, 2011


It seems we're all growing! Steven's passion for the Explorer program is back and it's fun to see him enthused about working with the high schoolers ago. He seems to enjoy getting out and drilling and being active and you can tell the kids push him as well. Last Thursday was another 10:30pm night as they all swung into McD's for a post-drill snack. And my dear hubby even brought home this pregnant woman a sundae! What a gem!

Abi is growing too! Yesterday we took the side off of her crib and put the toddler bed rails up. She immediately figured out this meant she could crawl in and out of her own bed. Wow did she think that was cool! And at bed time, it took 2 trips returned to bed, 2 boughts of Mom or Dad sitting in her room and then finally we just shut the door and she went and crawled back into bed and slept! Night 2 was even easier. One single return trip to bed, 2 more lullaby songs and she was out for the night. Way to go Abi! I'm sure we're in for a few more nap and early morning struggles, but that of course is expected.

And of course my belly is growing. I've decided I'd like to start a side business of funny maternity t-shirts. Here are a few of the sayings I'd have printed up:
- There are things more interesting you could ask me about than "how I'm feeling".
- You touch mine and I will assume you'll let me touch your belly too!
- All I got for Christmas was knocked up.
Of course I mean all of these in jest, but I am fascinated by the silly questions people ask and things they do when a person is pregnant! :)

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