Abi seems to be on the verge of toddler-hood and I have to wonder, "Where's my baby?!" She communicates with well with several different signs we've learned, yes, no and points. She runs, jumps (although quite comically) and as of last week, does somersaults with the aid of Gramma. As fall's cold nights have settled in it seems our household has definitely settled into enjoying being "us" and all that our schedule holds for us. About 1 1/2 wks ago, Gramma flew in and Steven and I took off for Kona with our friends Don & Whitney Davis. It was a wonderful get away knowing Abi was being loved on and settled at home with Gramma and a visit from Grannie. Since returning, my work schedule of working only 4 days/week has gone into effect. Last night I told Steven, "I feel like it should be

Sunday tomorrow" but I'm sure I'll adjust to 3 day weekends very well! :) It sounds as though Steven's schedule will change back to 24/48s come January which I think we'll be happy for. It seems that there's little point to trying to prep for changes since God is in control and His master plan is far more glorious than anything we cook up.