Monday, May 18, 2009


We just got back from five glorious days in Kihei Maui. Our friends Mary and Randy were united in marriage in Wailea which was an absolute gorgeous, movie setting of a wedding. We enjoyed our own time but also catching up with friends for bbqs, dancing, snorkeling, etc. It would have been nice to have another day or two to relax since we packed in a lot of stuff in a short time. Nonetheless, it was wonderful to get away and enjoy a gorgeous place together! The picture on the bottom is at the Garden of Eden (where some of Jurassic Park was filmed), on the left is at the wedding and the photo on the right is from the 12,000 ft summit of Haleakala.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A little Mothers' Day competition

Technically, I'm not a mom yet. But THANK YOU to everyone for your sweet thoughts and wishes this week!! How truly thoughtful :) Yesterday we had our church's mission trips auction. Its a wonderful evening of fun fellowship with friends. We enjoy it more and more each year. At the auction were two planter/birdfeeder/birdhouses made by one of the gentlemen from our congregation. Steven was going to get me a birdbath for Mom's Day, but I watched the silent bidding on the smaller house and let it go after awhile. I didn't expect to go home with the larger one since (wisely) they put it on the live auction list. To my surprise, Steven fully intended to come home with the big one!! And so did a couple of the other people there. My husband spent a silly amount and refused to be called a sissy by a pastor but he got that bird house! At the end of the evening, our pastor's wife came up and told us how fun that bidding war made the auction. It was fun and for a great cause...And boy did Steven win brownie points with this birdhouse! Hmm, I must be my mother's daughter thinking a birdhouse is a fabulous gift!